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소형 비행로봇

페이지 정보

작성자 로보맨
댓글 0건 조회 6,038회 작성일 09-07-12 18:23



Now Variable Speed!

Sleek silvery mylar wings flap silently using only five centimeters of Muscle Wire. Perches on you computer, annoys cats*, amuses babies. Space Wings stands 15 centimeters tall and flaps up to 36 times per minute. Includes a printed circuit board, parts, & detailed instructions.

Assembly requires soldering iron, solder, screw driver, wire cutters and two AA batteries. For ages 14 and up.

A great first electronics kit & excellent hands-on introduction to electronic construction & Muscle Wires.

*Based on limited factory testing. Your cat may vary. No, it doesn't really fly. Wish it did, but it doesn't.
[이 게시물은 로보맨님에 의해 2009-08-15 01:14:31 robo_갤러리에서 이동 됨]
[이 게시물은 로보맨님에 의해 2009-08-19 01:08:31 robo_갤러리 2에서 이동 됨]
[이 게시물은 로보맨님에 의해 2013-09-14 12:32:36 robo_갤러리에서 이동 됨]
[이 게시물은 로보맨님에 의해 2013-09-15 12:26:45 갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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